Career Training USA
Intern & Trainee
Career Training USA

Applying for J-1 Visa Sponsorship

Applying for J-1 Visa Sponsorship

We are thrilled that you are interested in hosting an international intern or trainee at your organization! The resources below will guide you through the application process. Watch this instructional video for tips on completing your host application and beginning your participant’s Training Plan. 

Attend the Host Orientation
  • Sign up for the mandatory Host Orientation
    • It is required that the Main Program Supervisor attends before the application can be approved, but anyone on your team may also attend!

Upon logging in to your account, familiarize yourself with the four tabs located under your company name.

  • Company Basics:
    • These details should reflect your company as a whole, but the address listed must be the exact location where your participant will be training.
    • You will only need to complete the Company Basics once. The information will be saved and carried over for future applicants. Do not revise the Company Basics unless there has been a change in address, phone number, DUNS #, FEIN #, or Annual Revenue for this specific location.
    • If your company has multiple locations, you will need a Host Organization Record for EACH site. Contact us to add additional locations to your account.
  • Contacts:
    • In the Contacts tab, use the “Invite Host Contact” button in the upper right hand corner to invite any colleagues who will be involved in your participant’s training or who should have access to your company record. Each individual who accesses our system must have their own account.
    • Only members of your organization, with company email addresses, may have access to training plans.
  • Documents:
    • Upload the required documents.
      • Workers’ Compensation Insurance: Upload either a copy of your current Workers Compensation policy certificate, proof of exemption, or proof of equivalent coverage, if applicable. The policy must demonstrate coverage for the site of activity where the participant will be training. (See samples.)
      • Business License: If you did not provide a Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS) Number in the Company Basics section, upload a copy of your business license or registration.
  • Training Plans:
    • Use the “Invite Participant” button at the top of the Training Plans tab to invite additional interns/trainees to begin an application with you. Note: Do not use this button to invite your colleagues to your company record – invite them through the Contacts tab only.
  • In the “Training Plans” tab, select the participant whose application you would like to complete by clicking on their name or photo. 
  • Click “Start” to complete each section. Once completed, a green check mark will appear. 
    • Company Basics
      • Confirm the information is accurate. The address listed must be the exact location where your participant will be training. If you have multiple office locations, contact us to add additional locations to your current employer record.
    • Program Information
      • Ensure there are at least 5 full-time on-site employees per J-1 Intern or Trainee. This excludes interns, temps, or independent contractors.
      • Select a Main Program Supervisor for the participant. This will be InterExchange’s primary contact for this specific participant.
    • Compensation
      • All Trainees and all Interns whose programs are longer than 6-months must receive at least minimum wage, whichever is highest of federal, state, or local minimum wage. Programs over 6-months cannot be unpaid. Review the program compensation requirements.
    • Host Employer Agreement
      • This must be signed in order to send the Training Plan to the Participant. It may only be signed by an employee from their own InterExchange account. If needed, invite additional colleagues to the system through the “Contacts” tab. 

The DS-7002 Training/Internship Placement Plan, or the “Training Plan,” is a Department of State-required document for all J-1 Interns and Trainees. The purpose of the Training Plan is to create a comprehensive framework of what the Intern or Trainee will learn and how they will be trained throughout their program. The data you input into our system will be populated into the official government form.

The Training Plan must be completed in detail, as this document will be presented during the participant’s interview at the U.S. Embassy. It will also be uploaded to SEVIS, the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, which is maintained by the Department of Homeland Security.

  • Within your participant’s Training Plan, scroll down to the “DS-7002/Training Plan Phases” section and click “Add Training Plan Phase”.
    • All training plans must have at least one phase.
    • No phase can exceed 4 months, so you’ll need to add multiple, unique phases if your participant’s program will be longer than 4 months. 
    • There cannot be any gaps between phases (e.g., if the first phase ends on September 2nd, the next phase must begin on September 3rd, even if the 3rd is a weekend or holiday).
    • The cumulative phase dates must exactly match the overall program dates (e.g., the first phase must begin on the program begin date, and the last phase must end on the program end date, with no gaps in between phases).
    • For hospitality programs that are six months or longer, ensure there is a minimum of three departmental rotations and phases. This is a J-1 Intern/Trainee program regulation for all hospitality programs.
  • Each phase must be different and build off the previous phase.
  • Responses should be detailed enough for InterExchange and consular officials to understand what your participant will be doing and learning. We recommend at least 3-4 sentences.
  • Explain industry-specific acronyms or abbreviations following their initial use or in the “Additional Phase Remarks” section.
  • Refer to your Intern/Trainee as “the participant” throughout the Training Plan for ease of reusing the plan for future participants. 

Select Phase Supervisor

  • Select the phase supervisor from the dropdown list.

    • The phase supervisor is responsible for providing day-to-day, on-site training during this particular phase.
    • The phase supervisor may be different from the main program supervisor (selected in the Program Information host form). The main supervisor is InterExchange’s point of contact for overall program logistics.
    • The phase supervisor must sign the phase from their own account. If they do not have an account, invite them by clicking “Invite Colleague” in the “Contacts” tab.

Phase Name

  • Provide a descriptive phase name to indicate the objective, focus, or departmental rotation for this phase. 
    • For example:
      “Social Media Marketing” and “Marketing Analytics”

Phase Start Date and Phase End Date

  • Indicate the first and last day of the phase. No phase can exceed 4 months. If your program is longer than 4 months, you will need more than one phase!

Description of Trainee/Intern’s role for this program or phase

  • Introduce the general concept of this training phase and the participant’s role. Clarify how this phase fits into both your company’s mission and the academic/professional background of the intern/trainee.

    • For example:
      “The participant will train with Career Training USA’s Communication Department. They will learn strategies for individual and mass communication with various stakeholders and clients. This phase will build upon their communications coursework in a practical setting.”

Specific goals and objectives for this program or phase

  • Outline the goals and objectives the training in this phase is intended to accomplish and the expected outcomes. This is not meant to articulate how the participant will help you achieve organizational goals and objectives.

    • For example:
      “The goal of this phase is to strengthen the participant’s communication skills by teaching different writing styles for various audiences. By the end of the phase, the participant will be able to effectively write content for both native and non-native English speakers, and understand how to both execute and measure communications and outreach campaigns.”

Please list the names and titles of those who will provide continuous (for example, daily) supervision of the Trainee/Intern, including the primary supervisor. What are these persons’ qualifications to teach the planned learning?

  • Include all phase supervisors’ names, titles, and a brief description of their relevant professional backgrounds that qualify them to provide training in the participant’s field. The phase supervisor who signs this phase as well as the main program supervisor must be included in the supervisors referenced.

  • Please use this template for each supervisor:
    – Name
    – Title
    – Education
    – Years of experience in the field
    – Years with the organization

    • For example:
      “Jane Doe, Communications Manager. MA in Communications. Nine years experience within the communications field, three years at InterExchange.”

What plans are in place for the Trainee/Intern to participate in cultural activities while in the United States?

  • Since this is a cultural exchange program, you are required to facilitate cultural activities outside the training environment. Provide specific examples of cultural activities that you will facilitate, such as bringing them to your office’s favorite local restaurant, including them in annual or monthly diversity programming, showing them local holiday celebrations, or including them in company-sponsored events.

  • Please use this template as a starting point for your response:
    – During this phase, we will involve this participant in (list any company sponsored events, ie. happy hour, potluck, holiday celebration, etc.).
    – We plan to show this participant (local museum, monument, attraction, or historic site, etc.).
    – We plan to bring them to (local restaurants, festivals, or volunteer activity, etc.).

    • For example
      “During this phase, we plan to involve the participant in our annual DEI observances of Black History Month, Women’s History Month, AAPI Heritage Month, and Pride month. We plan to show this participant the City Art Museum and the Local Nature Reserve. Lastly, we plan to bring the participant to our favorite local restaurant, Good Eats, for our regular happy hour. Every year, our organization volunteers with a local food bank, and the participant will be included in this.”

What specific knowledge, skills, or techniques will be learned?

  • Provide specific examples of what the participant will learn by training in the United States with your organization and how this learning builds upon their previous academic coursework (if they are interns) or upon their previous work experience (if they are trainees).

    • For example:
      “The participant will learn how to create and manage email, social media, and website content that is attractive, SEO optimized, and catered to individual audiences. They will learn how to write content for and manage communication styles for various audience segments and subscribers. They will enhance their communication skills by learning to create content for webinars and other external communications events.”

How, specifically, will these knowledge, skills, or techniques be taught? Include specific tasks and activities (Interns) and/or methodology of training and chronology/syllabus (Trainees).

  • In this section, explain the way in which the Intern or Trainee is going to learn the skills you listed previously, and how they will accomplish the goals of the training plan. Be specific! Provide examples for each method or technique that you will use to teach the relevant skills for this phase. Demonstrate a plan for guided training, not simply an assignment of tasks.

    • For example:
      “The participant will learn by shadowing the manager. During the first weeks of this phase they will be given process documents and style guides to learn best practices. Next, they will be given specific blog posts to write and have critiqued by the manager. They will also be asked to prepare a slate of social media posts for various clients.”

How will the Trainee/Intern’s acquisition of new skills and competencies be measured?

  • Explain how the Intern or Trainee’s progress will be evaluated and how you will ensure that the goals and objectives of this phase are achieved. What will a successful training look like for you and your Intern or Trainee? What criteria will you use to determine they’ve achieved the goals for the phase? How will you measure their progress? 

    • For example:
      “The participant will send all work produced to the supervisor for review and critical feedback. They will meet one-on-one twice a week to ask questions, discuss obstacles, learning goals, and pending projects. At the end of this phase a written evaluation will be given to the participant.”

Additional Phase Remarks (optional)

  • Any miscellaneous information can be added to this section. Hosts may also continue their responses to any of the above questions here. 

  • If your office operates on a hybrid model, please note the planned in-office/remote schedule for the participant here, keeping in mind that they may participate remotely no more than 40% of their program (e.g., two out of five days per week).

    • For example:
      “Participant will train in-office Monday through Thursday and will be remote on Fridays.”

If your current participant will be completing a similar training program as a past intern/trainee, you can copy the old Training Plan phases to the new application! Copying phases will override any existing phase information, so we recommend copying phases at the beginning of the process.

  • Review this short instructional video to learn how to invite a new participant and copy phases from a previous training plan:


To copy phases from a prior participant:

  1. Click on the Training Plans tab in your host record. 
  2. Scroll to find the prior participant whose Training Plan you’d like to copy, then click on their hyperlinked name. 
  3. From there, scroll down to the bottom of the “DS-7002/Training Plan Phases” section. 
  4. Click on the “Copy Phases” button, found on the bottom right, underneath all of the phases
  5. Then select your new participant to copy the Training Plan to their application
  6. Once copied to your new participant, please review all of the phases and update any specific details relevant to the current participant and time period. 
  7. You are welcome to add new, additional phases as necessary by selecting the “Add Training Plan Phase” button.

Complete the following when you’re ready to submit the training plan:

  • Confirm each answer is detailed, thorough, and clear to a person outside of your field. The plan must be specific and cannot include “see previous phase,” “etc,” “tbd,” or any variation.
  • Confirm each phase is unique and builds upon the previous phase(s).
  • Confirm that the plan does not encompass more than 20% clerical tasks.
  • Confirm that each phase is digitally signed by the phase supervisor listed. (The phase supervisor for each phase will sign by clicking the “Sign Phase” button.)
  • Ensure all phase signatures and the Host Employer agreement are signed by the contacts from their own account. Signatures cannot be provided by a proxy or by using another contact’s login details.
  • All host forms and documents must be completed and each phase must be signed by its respective phase supervisor before the Training Plan can be sent to the participant for review.
  • Once all aspects of your host application are complete, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue “Send Training Plan to Participant” button. This will notify the participant that the training plan is ready for review and will prompt them to sign the Participant Agreement.
    • NOTE: A signed Training Plan does not mean that the application has been submitted to InterExchange for review! Your participant must complete their portion of the application, pay the application fee, and officially submit the application before InterExchange will begin our review process.
  • If you need to make adjustments to Training Plan phases after application submission, please contact InterExchange.
  • If we approve the training plan and overall program after the review process, you will be able to download a copy of the fully executed training plan from your online application.

The InterExchange application review process consists of:

  • Initial Review: Once your participant officially submits the application to InterExchange, it will be entered into Initial Review.” During this stage, we take an initial look at the application and notify you within 1-2 business days if anything is needed to deem the application complete (ie. missing documents, etc.) Note that this stage does not include a thorough Training Plan review so we may reach out later in the process with additional Training Plan questions. 
  • In Queue: When the participant’s application is complete, it will be placed In Queue for formal review.
    • The formal review process will take approximately 10 business days from the day the application has been marked complete and moved into the queue.
  • Under Review: The formal review will take 1-2 business days to complete and will be marked “Under Review.”
    • During this portion of the review process, the reviewer will reach out to you if there is any additional information or revisions needed to the DS-7002/Training Plan.
  • Pending Interview: Once the formal review has been completed, the participant’s application status will be changed to “Pending Interview.” We will schedule an interview with the participant at their earliest convenience.
  • Pending Site Visit: If the interview is successful, but your company requires a site visit, the application status will be changed to “Pending Site Visit.” An InterExchange representative will schedule the visit with you at your convenience.
  • Final Decision: After the interview and site visit (if applicable), you and the participant will receive our final decision via email within 1-2 business days and we will issue the sponsorship documents to your participant.

Once the sponsorship application has been approved by InterExchange, the participant will then apply for their J-1 Visa at their local U.S. Embassy/Consulate. 

  • The participant will need to complete the DS-160 application and attend an interview at a U.S. Embassy/Consulate in order to receive the J-1 Visa.
  • The wait time to schedule visa appointments vary depending on location and time of year. Be sure to check the wait times when deciding on training plan dates!

Sign up to gain international talent

Complete your application and create your participant’s DS-7002 Training Plan.