Career Training USA
Intern & Trainee
Career Training USA

Health, Safety, & Emergency Advice

Health, Safety, and Handling Major Emergencies

Most InterExchange Career Training USA participants enjoy safe, smooth, and problem-free programs. Still, when living abroad for an extended period, they may occasionally run into challenges.

InterExchange is here to help if you or your participant experience any challenges or issues.

Avoiding Exploitative Behavior

As a host employer, you are an active participant in cultural exchange. Your actions and behavior towards your participants must not only meet the laws and regulations of the U.S., but they must also meet exemplary standards that reflect favorably on U.S. business practices. At no time should you engage in the following activities:

  • Any activities that would violate the laws and regulations of U.S. federal, state, and local authorities.
  • Any activities that may be legal, but nevertheless unethical, for example:
    • Inappropriate relationships with the participant
    • Coercive or harassing acts
    • Retaliating against the participant
    • Making promises to the participant that are outside of the scope of the program
    • Asking inappropriate questions of the participant
    • Making offensive statements to the participant
  • Any activities that would endanger the participant’s safety or the safety of others or act in a manner that raises the appearance of endangering the participant’s safety or the safety of others.

  • Any activities or promises to participants regarding any activities that either InterExchange or the U.S. Department of State prohibits.

IMPORTANT: If InterExchange finds that you or any of your employees or affiliates have engaged or will engage in exploitative or other unreasonable behavior, InterExchange will immediately end your participation in the program. In most instances, we will report such behavior to the Department of State, and this could impact your ability to host exchange visitors in the future. Where appropriate, exploitative behavior may also be reported to local law enforcement.

Read More Important Information for J-1 Participants:
Health & Safety Protocols

If you are aware or become aware that your participant is suffering from any serious medical, psychological, or criminal incident that disrupts the internship or training program, contact InterExchange immediately.

If your participant suffers an accident or serious illness that, in the judgment of InterExchange, prevents the participant from successfully meeting program requirements, please understand that the participant may be asked to end his or her program early and return home for their own health and safety

Similarly, if your participant is deemed to be a danger to him or herself or to others, or if your participant’s conduct is deemed to be detrimental to the Exchange Visitor Program as a whole, InterExchange may end the participant’s program early.

Read More Important Information regarding J-1 Participants’ Health & Safety:
Coordinate your Response
  • Although InterExchange will provide emergency messaging to you and the participant, you are responsible for ensuring the safety of the participant. You should not alter any messaging sent by InterExchange, but you should also caution the participant to follow your guidance and/or the guidance of local authorities if the guidance conflicts with InterExchange guidance since you will have more information regarding your specific local conditions.
Emergency Contingency Plans
  • Communication, preparedness, and coordination are the most important aspects of promoting safety. You should have an emergency contingency plan and share this plan with the participant as part of his or her orientation with your company.

  • You must issue emergency instructions to the participant to help prepare him or her in case of emergencies and make the participant aware of emergency and evacuation procedures issued by your company and federal, state, and local government authorities.

IMPORTANT: Timely communication with InterExchange throughout an emergency event is necessary and a requirement as a host employer. Please always respond to InterExchange’s inquiries about the safety of participants as soon as reasonably possible. Please read all safety notices sent by InterExchange and follow instructions as appropriate to ensure the health, safety and welfare of participants.


Sign up to gain international talent

Complete your application and create your participant’s DS-7002 Training Plan.