Addressing Problems at Camp
Addressing Problems at Camp
InterExchange Camp USA works hard to find suitable placements for all participants. However, we understand that sometimes there are special circumstances when placements do not work out. Please follow these procedures if there are problems at camp.
If you are having trouble at camp or are unhappy about something, whether it’s an issue with your job, a co-worker or camper, talk to someone! Your supervisors are there to help you. If you still feel that the issue is not resolved after speaking with someone, call InterExchange Camp USA staff. We will work with you and the camp to try to improve the situation. Do not let a problem become so big that you get fired, or quit before you speak to us about it.
If You Get Fired
If you get fired, you will be asked to leave camp immediately, usually within 1-2 hours of dismissal. Camp will take you to an airport, bus station, train station, or a hotel. You will only be paid for the days you have worked at camp. If you are fired, please call the InterExchange Camp USA office. Make sure you speak to someone in our office before you leave camp. If this occurs outside of our normal business hours or on a weekend or holiday, call the emergency phone at 1-800-597-1722 (and press 3) or 1-917-741-5057. We will speak to you about the situation and the implications it has on your visa. We can also discuss the possibility of a second opportunity at a new camp.
Please note that getting fired does NOT mean that your visa is canceled or invalid. Remember: Only your sponsor (InterExchange) or the United States government can revoke a visa. When you contact InterExchange we will inform you of any changes in your visa status.
Common Reasons for Getting Fired
Every year, there are participants that are fired from their camps for a variety of reasons. Here are a few of the most common reasons for dismissal. Please do your best to avoid them; your orientation at camp should cover what is and is not acceptable.
- Drinking alcohol on camp premises
- Returning to camp under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Smoking on camp premises
- Use of illegal substances (drugs)
- Inappropriate behavior towards fellow camp staff/supervisors
- Inappropriate behavior towards children (See Dealing With Abuse section below)
- Poor work ethic
If You Want to Quit
Please keep in mind that we work extremely hard to find placements for our participants. Second placements are rare and not guaranteed. We ask that all participants try their best to make their placements work, and to talk with their camp supervisor, camp staff, or our team if there is a problem. If you are unhappy with your placement, please let us know about it. We will do everything we can to improve the situation at camp. Our team is here to help you have an amazing experience. If you encounter problems during the summer, we want to know about them and resolve them as quickly as possible.
If you do decide to quit, the process of leaving camp will be similar to if you are fired. You will be asked to leave camp immediately, usually within 1-2 hours of informing them of your decision. Camp will take you to an airport, bus station, train station, or a hotel. You will only be paid for the days you have worked at camp. Be sure to call our office or emergency phone to discuss your situation so we can ensure a smooth transition.
Working With ADHD Campers
3–5% of American school-aged children are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a disorder linked to a child’s mental and social development that can make it very difficult for the child to focus his/her attention on any one situation. ADHD is based in the brain, and some campers may take medications to improve their ability to focus. The following is a list of suggestions for working with ADHD children:
- Understand what ADHD is. You should receive more detailed information during your camp orientation. If you do not, please ask your supervisor for some information.
- Be very clear when communicating your expectations. Guide these campers rather than excusing inappropriate behavior.
- Stay close. Keep the most active campers nearest to you, especially during large group events and at meal times.
- Control the issue of time. Give instructions for immediate expectations rather than for a task to be completed that is hours or days in the future.
- Engage them. Use stories, imagery and emotions to provide excitement about an activity.
- Be positive and supportive. Give positive feedback and use repetition until your instructions are clear.
Working With Aggressive or Resistant Children
Children learn to test limits from an early age, so you may find that you will have to confront a child who is resistant to your authority. If you must confront a misbehaving child, it is never acceptable to hit, slap, spank, pinch, or assert any physical control toward the child. You will be fired if this happens. You may even face criminal charges. Each camp has different policies when it comes to managing aggressive behavior and bullying. Please reference your orientation when considering these issues.
Child Abuse
In the U.S., child abuse is not tolerated, it is in fact a crime. This “zero tolerance” policy may be different from your home country’s policy, so be very careful about how you interact with your campers. Always seek help from your supervisor or camp director if you have any questions. Child abuse can take place anywhere–at home, school, in public places–wherever a child goes or interacts with others. It can cause long-lasting damage to the child’s body and mind. The various types of child abuse are categorized as:
- Physical Abuse: Causing any kind of physical injury to the child is known as physical abuse. Parents, teachers or a third person may cause such harm, in the name of teaching the child to behave properly. Parents and teachers who are involved in this kind of child abuse often do not realize that their behavior is actually a criminal/civil offense and an unethical act, which could harm the child in the long run. In other cases, a child may be experiencing physical harm with the intention of causing him or her an injury. Signs that point towards physical abuse in children include the presence of cuts, bruises, other injuries on the body, fearfulness, being over-alert and shocked at minor things, deliberate attempts to cover the injury marks, etc.
- Mental Abuse: This is also called psychological or emotional abuse. Causing harm to the child’s psyche that may affect him or her in the long run amounts to mental abuse. This type of abuse can adversely affect, and even halt the development of the child, especially social development. Some immediate consequences of mental abuse are the loss of confidence, and/or rise of a pessimistic attitude in the child. Cases of mental abuse display signs of two totally extreme psychological conditions – the child may either become too aggressive or s/he may become extremely passive. Various forms of mental abuse, including humiliating the child in front of others; comparing the child to his or her friends or others, shouting at or threatening the child, or not talking to him or her at all, and exposing him or her to the abuse of some other person or animal, might adversely affect the child. Mental child abuse can happen at home as well as in school or another environment.
- Sexual Abuse: This is when a person uses the body of a child for his or her sexual satisfaction. Cases of child sexual abuse are being reported every day all over the world, with the instances increasing at an alarming rate. Things amounting to sexual abuse of a child include provoking or forcing a child into a sexual act, indecent revealing of genitals for one’s sexual stimulation, and either showing a child pornography, or using him/her for the same.
- Child Neglect: Child neglect refers to depriving a child of his basic necessities of food, clothing, shelter, hygiene and proper care. It amounts to child abuse when it reaches a level where the chances of harm to the child may surface. It is important to note that intent is irrelevant in cases of neglect. It does not matter if the adult was doing their best, or it was an accident. If a child is harmed with evidence of neglect, it is child abuse. A neglected child may suffer from physical as well as emotional problems. One of the most visible and apparent physical signs of neglect is the skinny or bloated appearance of a child, which is a result of undernourishment. He or she may also suffer from physical disorders such as asthma, hypertension, or various kinds of allergies. On the psychological front, the child may suffer from issues such as depression, stress, violent behavior and aggression, among other behavioral disorders. However, the effects will depend on the degree of neglect that the child has had to face during his childhood, and his or her own willpower.
Protect Yourself
The best advice we can give you is that you should never put yourself in a situation where you are alone with a child. If you need help because you are unsure about a situation, ask for it. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but one of intelligence. You’ll find that your co-workers and camp director will be more than happy to help you overcome your problems.
Sadly, many camps will have campers who have been past victims of child abuse. At home, some of these campers may already have a child welfare representative assisting the family through their problems. Other campers may currently be in abusive situations. For these campers, the abuse is still a secret; they have not told anyone about it or they have been ignored when they tried. Ask your supervisor what you should do if a camper confides in you about an abusive situation he or she has experienced or if you suspect one of your campers has been abused. Similarly, counselors who have been victims of abuse may come to work at camp.
As with the campers, some have had disclosures and interventions. Others may still be guarding their secrets. Be aware, discreet and supportive of others’ pasts.
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among people that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated or has the potential to be repeated over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. There are many roles that kids can play. Kids can bully others, they can be bullied, or they may witness bullying. When kids are involved in bullying, they often play more than one role. It is important to understand the multiple roles kids play in order to effectively prevent and respond to bullying. There are many warning signs that may indicate that someone is affected by bullying—either being bullied or bullying others. Recognizing the warning signs is an important first step in taking action against bullying. Not all children who are bullied or are bullying others ask for help. It is important to talk with children who show signs of being bullied or bullying others. These warning signs can also point to other issues or problems, such as depression or substance abuse. Talking to the child can help identify the root of the problem. While bullying is common in situations with many children, bullying can occur among people of all ages.
Discuss how to address bullying with your camp director, as your camp may have specific policies and procedures for handling this issue.
Sexual Harassment and Sexism
Most camps will cover the topic of sexual harassment during their pre-camp orientations. However, here is some general information that you should be aware of.
What is Sexual Harassment?
Sexual harassment is unwelcome verbal or physical behavior based on a person’s gender and can include unwanted touching; offensive and suggestive gestures or comments; asking about a person’s sex life or making sexualized remarks about a person’s appearance; sexualizing the work environment with imagery or other items.
Sexual Harassment Includes:
- Continuous idle chatter of a sexual nature
- Sexual slurs, innuendos and other comments about a person’s clothing, body and/or sexual activities
- Continuous and unwelcome flirting
- Lewd remarks or suggestive sounds such as whistling, catcalls or kissing sounds
- Implied or overt threats if sexual attention is not given
- Repeated unsolicited propositions for dates and/or sexual intercourse
- Jokes or comments based on sex
- The use of graphics or other materials degrading persons based on their sex
- Unwelcome touching or ogling
- Coercion, with the promise of reward
- Unwanted physical contact such as patting, pinching, stroking or brushing up against the body
- Attempted or actual kissing or fondling
- Physical assault
- Coerced sexual intercourse or rape
Sexual Harassment Can Happen to Anyone
Who are the victims? Anyone, regardless of gender or age, can be the victim of sexual harassment from someone of the opposite or the same sex.
If you are in a situation involving any of these unwanted and inappropriate experiences, here are some options available to you are:
- Say no. Make it loud and clear. A harasser does not expect confrontation.
- Keep records of all incidents and confrontations and find witnesses or others who will back up your claim.
- Get support from a friend, employer or anyone else you trust. Make sure you don’t keep it bottled up inside. The more help you get, the faster the harasser will stop.
- Call InterExchange Camp USA. If you think that you are being sexually harassed, please contact us immediately.
Know Your Rights
The William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (WWTVPRA) of 2008 protects the legal rights of certain employment or education-based nonimmigrants—including J-1 Exchange Visitors—against abuse and discrimination while visiting the United States.
Among other protections, you have the right to:
- Be treated and paid fairly
- Not be held in a job against your will
- Keep your passport and other identification documents in your possession
- Report abuse without retaliation
- Request help from unions, immigrant and labor rights groups and other groups
- Seek justice in U.S. courts
Be aware of all the laws that protect you:
For your safety, know the signs of human trafficking to make sure you don’t become a victim:
Get started today
It’s free to start an application and nothing is due until you accept a job offer.