For Hosts
Camp USA
Preparing For Your Camp’s Next Camp Season
Preparing For Your Camp’s Next Camp Season

Preparing For Your Camp’s Next Camp Season

October 26, 2020

3 -min read

2020 has been one of the most difficult years in recent memory for the summer camp industry. But, with both luck and preparation, the 2021 season can be strong and successful. Answer the questions below to start planning.

A campfire on a hill at dawn with mountains in the background
The campfire circle is empty, but not for long!
Image courtesy of Pexels

Updated: 26 October 2020

Do you plan to hire for full capacity in 2021?

Adjust your hiring forecast accordingly. We can help find the right number of counselors for you, whether it’s five or 25.

Do you plan to hire for full capacity in 2021?

Adjust your hiring forecast accordingly. We can help find the right number of counselors for you, whether it’s five or 25.

Do you have a plan to address new challenges?

We remain optimistic about the state of public health in 2021. However, now is the time to start planning to ensure the highest level of safety for everyone at your camp. The American Camp Association has compiled a thorough Field Guide for Camps that addresses many of the most common concerns related to COVID-19.

When do you want to have your hiring completed by?

March is the ideal month to finish your hiring because you’ll have plenty of candidates to choose from in January and February. The sooner you finalize your international staff, the sooner they can schedule an embassy appointment.

Two adult women in pool in front of child on water slide
We can help you slide confidently into 2021!
Image courtesy of InterExchange

Will you be re-hiring any of your previous camp staff?

If yes, get your requests in early. Sponsorship for returnees is limited and DS2019 forms are given on a first-come-first-served basis. To get started, send an email (to [email protected]) with the contact information for any returning staff member who you’d like us to sponsor or refer your returning staff to to start an application.

Do you want to hire staff from a new country?

We recruit international counselors from over 45 countries! Each culture you welcome enhances the richness of diversity at your camp… why not consider them all?

What traits did your international counselors have that were most helpful?

Every camp counselor brings something unique to the table, whether it’s incredible energy while leading games or vigilance on the lifeguard stand. Reflect on the skills and personalities that really helped your camp culture, and screen for those this coming summer.

What activities went well, and what activities do you want to add?

Make a list of the top five moments you have had at camp and pinpoint why they stood out. Preserving camp traditions is a must, as is trying new events, games, and sports each year.

Have you updated your profile?

Let us know your needs by updating your profile in your Camp Dashboard. We also have a new and improved matching system that is designed to make the hiring process smoother than ever.

Do you have feedback for us?

We love to hear what you have appreciated and how we can improve. Contact your Program Coordinator or Camp USA.

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Interested in Camp USA?

Immerse yourself in a new culture, gain valuable skills, and form lifelong connections. Find out more to start your journey today.


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InterExchange is proud to have an experienced team that is dedicated to international cultural exchange. We come from a variety of backgrounds, but nearly every member of our New York City-based staff has extensive experience traveling, working, or living abroad.


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