
Insurance Information

Insurance Coverage

All participants have InterExchange-arranged insurance while they are working at camp. InterExchange-arranged accident & sickness insurance meets U.S. Department of State requirements, which is part of the terms and conditions of the J-1 Visa. All participants should have information with their insurance details, including a toll free number they can call while in the U.S. regarding their coverage, claims, or recommended area physicians. The standard plan is included but participants can also upgrade to a premium plan and/or extend their coverage dates as needed.

You can find information about participant insurance here. Brochures for both insurance plans, and information on how to use it are located on that page. If your staff need to locate their insurance cards or find the contact information for the insurance company, you can help them find that on the Envisage Global Insurance Student Zone page. They will also be able to locate providers who accept their insurance at that site.

Note: Remind your staff to locate a doctor before they need one and always make copies of any bills and claim forms they submit to the insurance company.

Workers’ Compensation

As with any camp staff member, if an InterExchange Camp USA participant is hurt while working at camp, the camp’s workers’ compensation plan is expected to provide insurance coverage. Camps should assist any participant with filing workers’ compensation claims should this become necessary. InterExchange-arranged insurance will deny coverage for any claim deemed to be work-related.

InterExchange will terminate relations with any camp that does not properly file work-related injuries for participants, as false claims will negatively impact our claim ratios and force higher premiums or make the insurance difficult to obtain at reasonable prices for participants in the future.

Handling Health Issues

Please report any health issues or injuries to InterExchange as soon as possible! We want to be informed of their welfare throughout the program, and additionally, we are required to report any serious health issues to the U.S. Department of State in a timely manner. We understand that camp is hectic, but please have someone on staff notify us of any doctor or hospital visits.

It may be helpful to research the nearest in-network providers before the season starts in order to reduce the stress of a participant’s potential illness or injury. If you need more information, please contact an InterExchange representative.

Completed claim forms and the original bills can be sent by the participant, doctor, hospital or clinic directly to the insurance company. Please do not send them to the InterExchange office. InterExchange is not responsible for participants’ medical bills. Please settle all outstanding bills before participants leave camp.