Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Once you register, you’ll be able to review highly qualified, enthusiastic pre-screened applicants in our online system and search by country, age, skills, and more. We take care of J-1 Visa sponsorship, setting up interviews, assisting with travel arrangements, accident and sickness insurance, orientation, and support throughout the season.

Who are Camp USA Participants?

With the help of our network of international cooperators, our Camp USA program is represented by almost every country in the world. Each applicant goes through a thorough screening and interviewing process, and we only accept the very best applicants into our program. All InterExchange participants are:

  • Between the ages of 18 and 28 during the summer of their participation.
  • International students, teachers, youth workers or individuals with specialized skills.
  • Proficient in English.
  • Highly motivated and committed to the program for 8 to 15 weeks.
  • Camp Placements – These are applicants who have been recruited to participate in the Camp USA program by InterExchange or one of our international cooperators.
  • Self-Placements – These are first time international candidates who have accepted a job offer from a specific camp prior to submitting their application to InterExchange.
  • Returning Placements – These are participants who have worked at your camp in a previous year.

Your returning counselors can start their application at

No, we no longer sponsor Support Staff.

For eligibility details, please review our requirements.