
During the Program

Conflict Resolution & Crisis Management

We hope that after an initial adjustment period, participants will progress through the program with few to no problems. If there is a major illness or emergency or if a participant is arrested, we will notify you so that you may inform the participant’s family or emergency contact of the situation.

Though rare, there are occasions when participants are problematic in the workplace, thus resulting in program termination. You will be notified in such situations, and we ask for your assistance in communicating with participants to resolve any issues that may arise as a result of the termination. If we feel participants should not be placed with other host organizations, we ask for your support in ensuring they make the proper arrangements to return home.

If a host is not following the training plan, a participant is not being supervised or trained, or a participant feels they are a victim of any sort of discrimination or abuse, InterExchange needs to be notified immediately so that we can speak with the host or remove the participant from the environment if necessary.

Participants whose positions are terminated or who need to leave their positions for a valid reason may find a new position and submit a Change of Host application within 30 days of terminating the original training. Participants must request an application from InterExchange and explain why the Change of Host is necessary.

Participants may not begin an internship or training program with a new host company until a Change of Host application has been submitted and approved by InterExchange. If participants leave their positions without contacting InterExchange, we will terminate their programs, and they will be required to leave the United States immediately.

If participants would prefer to leave the U.S. rather than apply for a Change of Host, they must inform InterExchange immediately.

If participants end their programs more than 15 days before their original completion date, we are required to end their program in SEVIS upon notification. Under these circumstances, when a participant’s program is ended in SEVIS, the participant has 30 days to leave the U.S. Participants who are terminated from the program must exit the U.S. immediately or risk incurring negative immigration status.

Participants who wish to travel outside the U.S. during their program must have their DS-2019 signed by InterExchange. Participants should email their Participant Services contact at InterExchange directly to report their travel plans.

Cultural exchange occurs when people gain a more in-depth understanding and knowledge about another country, its culture, customs, and day-to-day practices through person-to-person contact. To help participants explore different cultural activities while in the U.S., we’ve developed a comprehensive state-by-state online resource.

Please ask participants to read through these options and encourage them to participate in activities with the new American friends they make during their programs. They should also ask their supervisors about other ways they can enjoy their time in the U.S. and how they can share their own culture with colleagues, too. We’ve added a section on Cultural Activity Ideas for Hosts in the host handbook to assist organizations engage their participants in cultural exchange.