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Buying a Car

Getting Car Insurance

While you may give the dealer money to purchase a car, they will not let you drive it out of the lot without proof of car insurance. You cannot drive a car in the U.S. without insurance. If you are caught driving uninsured, you will be ticketed and fined. Car insurance is meant to protect you against the losses that could occur with a major accident or theft. has a great resource page that explains what different types of coverage exist and gives some money-saving tips. It also has links for sites where you can compare various insurance providers.

NOTE: The Accident and Sickness insurance you have through InterExchange is not car insurance.

Now that you have a license and insurance, you can purchase a car. Doing your research before buying a car is very important. You must be sure that a car fits your needs and budget before you purchase it. First you should decide if you want to buy a used or new car. Used cars are normally much cheaper than a new car, but they do present more challenges. You will need to be willing to risk more car trouble and repair costs for a used car.

To find a used car, you can go to a dealership or search online. Before you buy a used car, make sure to get all the information on the car’s history. This includes the number of previous owners, if the car was ever in an accident, any previous mechanical problems, and the maintenance history of the car. Sites like Carfax can help you find this information, and reputable dealerships will give you a copy of the Carfax report for free. Normally, anyone selling a used car will also allow you to take it to a mechanic for an inspection or “diagnostic check” to make sure the car is in good condition.

If you choose to buy a new car, you will need to decide what options and special features you want installed in your car, if any. Make sure to compare different prices and options, and get advice from experienced car owners. Do not always trust the salesperson at the dealership, since they are probably more interested in making a profit than figuring out what is best for you. Do your research before you go to the dealership so you will not be taken advantage of. Buying a new car can be a negotiation, so you need to be prepared with all the facts so you can get the best deal. Again, is a very helpful resource for buying a new car at the best price.

So now you have a license, insurance, and a car; there is still one last step you need to take before you can legally drive your vehicle in the U.S.: registration. All states in the U.S. require that a car be registered. If you are caught driving an unregistered vehicle, you will be fined or ticketed. If you buy a used car, you must still register it, even if it was registered under a previous owner.

Registration is the documentation that proves you have paid the registration tax and fees on your motor vehicle. In most states, this consists of a metal license plate, a validation decal, and a registration certificate. Most states also have a deadline for when a car must be registered after it has been purchased. You should research and find out how much time your state allows. This can be as little as 10 or as many as 30 days after you buy your car. You will also need to check with your state’s DMV to figure out what paperwork you will need to register your car.

Once you collect all the documents you need, you can go to your local DMV or tax collector’s office and submit the registration application. They will then issue you the metal license plates or paper temporary plates that prove your car is registered. If you are going to be in possession of this car for over a year, make sure you also know when you need to renew your registration. In most states you are required to renew your registration and insurance every 12 months.

After you have registered your car, you are all set to drive in the U.S!

Renting a Car

For those of you who do not need a car every day, a good option is to rent a car when you need one. Many big cities also have car-sharing programs like ZipCar that will allow you to get a car for a few hours if you need one.

The nice thing about renting or sharing a car is that most companies will provide car insurance to their customers. As long as you have a valid license, then you should be eligible to rent or share a car.