The J-1 Visa

The J-1 Visa allows you to enter the U.S. when you present it with your printed DS-2019 Form.

The Purpose of the J-1 Visa

The J-1 Visa is a sticker added to your passport by a U.S. Embassy or Consulate in your home country. The J-1 Visa allows you to enter the U.S. when you present it with your printed DS-2019 Form at U.S. Customs & Border Protection upon arrival. You cannot obtain a J-1 Visa stamp within the U.S; it must be obtained in your home country. It is generally valid for one, two or multiple entries into the U.S., and it has an expiration date, which may or may not be the same as your program end date.

The J-1 Visa
Sample J-1 Visa
The Intern/Trainee J-1 Visa (together with your DS-2019 Form) allows you to:
  • Intern/Train in the U.S. during the dates listed on your DS-2019 Form for the host employer approved by InterExchange Career Training USA.
  • Apply for a Social Security number.
This visa does not allow you to:
  • Perform unskilled labor or provide patient or child care.
  • Extend your work eligibility or program participation past 12 months for interns or hospitality trainees or past 18 months for all other trainees.
  • Intern/train for more than one host employer at the same time or obtain a second job.
  • Intern/train for fewer than 32 hours a week or perform more than 20 percent clerical work.

The expiration date on your J-1 Visa is the last day you may enter the U.S., not the last day you can intern/train.