Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions and Resources for Work & Travel USA Host Employers.
General Information
Where do seasonal international staff come from?
Our students come from more than 60 countries. Summer staff generally come from Northern Hemisphere countries and winter staff come from Southern Hemisphere countries. For employers hiring 15 or more staff members each season, we also arrange customized Recruitment Tours to different countries every season.
Can the students speak English?
One of our objectives in the overseas interviews for Job Placement participants is to evaluate the English level of our applicants. You will receive an assessment of each student’s English communication skills on his or her application. In general, the English level of InterExchange students is high. However, fluent knowledge of English is not a requirement for participating in our program. As a benefit of the program, students enjoy constant exposure to English, which helps improve their conversational abilities dramatically.
I’m originally from “X” country and I specifically want students from my home country to work for me. How can I arrange this?
Because our program offers students from more than 60 countries the opportunity to improve their English and gain a unique understanding of culture in the U.S., we discourage hiring students from your native country. Employers may be tempted to speak to their students in their native language, and this practice is an obstacle for a young person who is excited to improve his or her English skills.
How much does it cost to participate?
InterExchange does not charge program fees to host employers. Participants pay program and insurance fees, flights, interview fees, etc.
What types of positions can international students fill?
Our participants can fill a variety of entry-level, short-term positions, including retail staff, waitstaff, kitchen staff, counter staff, maintenance, housekeeping, dishwashing, and ride operations.
Are there any restrictions on the jobs that international students can hold?
International students on the Work & Travel USA program are prohibited from working in the following areas: child care, medical/patient care, domestic work (such as a housekeeper in a family’s home), camp counselors, flight attendants, and any job that jeopardizes the student’s well-being and/or safety. See the full list of prohibited positions in Host Employer Vetting section.
How will the staff I hire get to my business?
If you have hired staff through our Job Placement program, your InterExchange Work & Travel USA representative will contact you to determine which route (bus, plane, train) you recommend. We give each student custom instructions on how to get to their job site, including recommended times and schedule information. If you hire staff directly through our Self-Placement program, you must communicate with them about their transportation to the job site. All InterExchange Work & Travel USA students are responsible for their own transportation costs.
Will I need to pay the students’ travel costs?
No. All Work & Travel USA students are responsible for their own transportation costs.
Can a student obtain more than one job?
Although students may have more than one job, they should seek to maintain a healthy work and life balance and incorporate cultural excursions, contact with Americans, and improving their English as important aspects of the program.
How many hours per week can the student work? What if a student requests overtime?
We tell the students that they should expect to work approximately 35 to 40 hours per week. The amount of hours after that is negotiable depending on the availability of additional work. Overtime compensation laws differ in each state and should be closely followed. We ask that employers give a clear indication of the schedule that students can expect, so that we can present that information to the students in their job offer.